Thursday, September 28, 2017

taber visits and spring things

Aunt Erin, Uncle Gene, and Helen also made a visit this spring and Danny came back and brought Courtney with him.  It was so nice to have all my siblings in one place!  We went on a few adventures and enjoyed some wonderful weather, but mostly we just enjoyed hanging out and being together.
The cousins got Helen into her first Princess dress...
We actually got a cousin picture...
And we tried to get one with Baabee and all his grandkids, but it is proved difficult...
And then, of course, I need to give a Francie update.  How old is she here?  I can't even remember at this point.  But she is still really cute and that is what matters...
Her crazy hair still is hilarious to me...
Nora was excited to enjoy the spring weather with a "nature walk" through our neighborhood and Francie fell asleep under her sun hat.  Dad loves grilling in the spring and Mom loves when he makes dinner.
We made lots of backyard forts for pretending to camp.   Nora and her friend Kainen even made a pretend fire pit.
Nora got to have a fun day at Enchanted Island with her friend Lucy...
Mom got to celebrate the coming of her dear friend Erin's new baby...
And Nora and I got to go meet the little guy on the day he was born...
Francie and her god-brother Edward had some belly bonding time...
Jimmy did his Famous American Project on Neil Armstrong.  Here he is with his cousin Jake as Walt Disney...
Spring means a big AR Reading Promotion at school which means there is lots of this at my house...
Gus and Jimmy were the top readers in their classes and Jimmy was the top overall in grades K-3.
Here my kids are re-enacting a favorite book called Old Bear using all their stuffed animals...
My kids like trying to gives Francie "Baby Moana Hair" and Nora rediscovered the "Dot Face" and tried a few variations...
Gosh these cute people are fun!

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