Frances Elizabeth Weisse was born at 8:24 on Sept. 25, 2016. "Francie" was both our fastest and smallest yet, weighing in at only 6 lbs. 8 oz and only about 4 hours of labor. Mom realized she was in real labor around 4:30 on Sunday afternoon and Baabee came over around 7:00. After checking into the hospital at 8:06 our little girl decided to come about 18 minutes later (Gus was about an hour after and Nora about 45 minutes and we thought those were fast). There was actually a midwife present this time for the first time, but she only was with us for about 15 minutes total because everything went so smoothly (except for our first room not having computers working and having to walk to a new one when the baby was about to come out). After a few pushes baby came out and was put right on top of mom. We were so excited to see those big eyes and all that hair on a sweet little girl!
We promptly called home to tell the news. The kids were all in bed but still awake so Baabee loaded them into the car and brought them to the hospital. They thought they were going to have to wait until morning to meet their new sibling so not have to go to bed. As soon as they got the hospital they found out they had a new sister! They were all immediately in love. Nora said, "I can't believe it is a sister!"
It sure is exciting to be a family of 6 now!
Baabee patiently waited at the end of the line to hold her.
He also said that she is our first little Italian baby. The Brucato side of the family should be proud.

Then Nora cried because they had to leave. She didn't understand why Zach and I had to stay at the hospital, but mostly she just didn't want to leave, "her baby." Then we did all the room changing and other things they make you do and Zach and I spent lots of time just staring at this cute and (sometimes goofy) face...
Eventually the nurses convinced us to let her get cleaned...
We managed to get a little bit of sleep, but not much before it was suddenly morning again.
The kids were anxious to get back in the morning to kiss their baby again...
Jimmy just loved staring at her and noticing every little thing she did...
Gus said, "I could hold her for a million years." And Nora was the happiest girl you ever saw.
Then we all took lots of turns passing her around and posing for pictures...
The Burches decided a new cousin was reason enough to play hookie so we got to see all of them...
Martha's reactions were priceless...
But apparently Nora thinks Martha is still a baby she can hold too...
We had a lot of other fun visitors, too.
The Froelich's...
My godfather, Uncle Dick...
And Johnny and Mimi...
Everyone was very much smitten with her. How could they not be?
Mom is pretty in love, too...
We finally made it home late Monday night with our cute, funny little baby who was so tiny that she looked hilarious in her carseat and clothes that didn't fit.
We were so happy to bring her home. Welcome to the family Francie!!!