Jimmy's very favorite movie is Peter Pan. I am sure I let him watch it way too often. I have the whole movie memorized now. He also loves to read his Peter Pan books and on nights when he is taking a long time to fall asleep I tell him my own version which is usually very detailed so that I don't ever actually get to the end before he falls asleep (if I do, then I move on to Dumbo). Jimmy loves to pretend like he is flying and my dad says he is going to have a warped view of reality. Zach or I will fly him around the room while singing "You Can Fly" and he tells us that he is either Peter Pan or Michael Darling (his current favorite... probably due to some similarities in appearance to himself). When I push him on the swings at the playground he says, "I flying! I Peter Pan!" So basically he loves it. We don't have any actual Peter Pan toys, but since all our old Playmobile toys are at my dad's house we have picked out all the important characters and we set up the whole story. Well... I set it up and Jimmy helps. He doesn't quite play actual stories yet, but he does like to make Peter and Captain Hook fight and he loves when I set the toys up and tell him what is happening. Fortunately, I think that this is a game that will remain fun for him for a long time and eventually he won't need mom to do all the set-up. Until that day, I will have some fun of my own.
Peter at the window.
(Yes, our Tinker Bell is a little Indian Baby,
but she is wearing green so close enough.)

The Nursery

Wendy meets Peter.

Trying to Fly

Flying with Peter Pan... sort of.
(We actually make them fly, but close enough for the sake of a picture.)

In the clouds over Neverland.

Smee and Hook taking Princess Tiger Lily to Skull Rock.

"Squaw gettem firewood!"

Hook and Peter fight on the ship.

The Children and Lost Boys hold back the pirates.

Mr. Smee tries to escape.

The Croc chases Hook.
I kind of want to make a whole story book with pictures of Playmobiles, but alas that is a project for another year.