About two months ago we began trying to give Gus solid food. The first day we gave him rice cereal and he was pretty good about it.
We took pictures and all had a grand ol' time.
Of course, Jimmy wanted to help.
He did better than I remember Jimmy ever doing so I perhaps got overly excited. Ever since then it has all been down hill. He has so little interest in anything soft. He makes this grossed out face when I give him apple sauce and then continues to make gagging noises and often times throw up whatever actually made it down. I am jealous of those people who say once they give there kids food that they will start sleeping better because this guy still loves waking up a lot. I have a feeling he is actually hungry, but he just doesn't like this puree business for some reason. I got him some little puffy snacks that dissolve easily, but those only seem to serve as entertainment when he is in his high chair and not really a belly filler. Jimmy was never that interested in the soft stuff either and it does make a mess, but now I just need to figure out what Gus can handle without choking. Mostly, he likes to eat little bits of things he finds on the ground.